Unit Nineteen Wrong Number

"Well, that's a bit odd,' said Sheila.
'What?' I asked.
"That phone call, she replied. 'I don't know who it was. He was talking about something I couldn't understand, and then he just broke off in mid-sentence and hung up.'

'Maybe he realised he had mistaken you for someone else,' I pointed out.

'No doubt something simple lies behind it,' she replied, going over to the window. 'But doesn't it strike you as a bit odd that it's the third time this week that it's happened?"



BREAK OFF E In the middle of his lecture he broke off to drink some water.

HANG UP E At the end of a telephone conversation you hang up.

MISTAKE FOR BC You can mistake one thing or person for another e.g. I beg your pardon; I mistook you for my sister."


POINT OUT ABC You point out something to someone who has not seen it.


Exercises using verbs from the passage

A Complete these sentences:

1 I wonder what his strange behaviour.

2 He in mid-sentence and stared past my shoulder.


3 She something he had overlooked.

4 If you hadn't been here, I would have it a genuine antique.

5 I would never have noticed the fault if you had not it to me.

6 She before I could apologise.

7 I'm sorry; I your umbrella mine.


8 The fact that there was a dead bird on the doorstep me rather curious.


B Answer these questions:

1 When would you hang up?

2 Does it strike you as odd that there are no detailed photographs of the Loch Ness Monster?

3 What explanation do you think lies behind the story of the Loch Ness Monster?

4 What does a tourist guide do?

5 Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?

6 When would you break off during a conversation?

7 Is it easy to mistake a peach for an apricot?

8 When you have a telephone conversation, do you usually hang up before the other person?


C Use the following pairs of verbs in sentences of your own:

1 strike one as, break off.


2 hang up, mistake for.


3 point out, lie behind. hang up.

4 break off,



A Vb + prep. + NP. B Vb+NP+ prep. C Vb pron. + prep. D Vb + prep. + pron. E Intrans.








