Unit Twenty-Five On the Phone

MARK: Hello, operator? I've been trying to ring up a friend of mine, but the number has been engaged for three hours. The number is 50473.

OPERATOR: And you can't get through, you say?

MARK: That's right. The phone seems to be permanently engaged.

OPERATOR: Could you hold the line, please. I'll just find out whether the subscriber has been cut off.

MARK: Why should that happen?

OPERATOR: Maybe the bill has not been paid.

MARK: I see. Well, it must be a new number because he moved in only last week.

OPERATOR: In that case the receiver may not be placed on the phone properly. I'll contact the engineer. Try calling back in an hour or two.

MARK: O.K. Thank you.





GET THROUGH E When you try to phone someone, if the line is busy or out of order, you cannot get through to AD him.

CUT OFF ABC If the telephone bill is not paid, engineers cut the phone or the subscriber off.

MOVE IN E When you buy or begin to rent a house, you move into AD it.

CALL BACK ABCE You call back if you cannot get through first time.


Exercises using verbs from the passage
A Complete these sentences:

1 I looked in the directory to what his number was.

2 When we left the house, the Electricity Department the power.

3 We as soon as the house was ready.

4 I'll you when I have more time to talk.

5 I'm nor sure if the phone is working. I can't

6 Is Francis coming? Let's him and see.

7 Gas seemed to be escaping, so the engineer it

8 They asked me to in an hour, when. they would have the information.



B Answer these questions:

1 Who found out that the world was round?

2 When would the authorities cut your water supply off?

3 What would someone do after buying a flat?

4 If you phoned someone who was out, what would you do?

5 What is a telephone for?

6 What do you use a train timetable for?

7 What would happen if your friend's phone was out of order?

8 Name four things which could be cut off.



C Use the following pairs of verbs in sentences of your own:

1 ring up, call back.

2 get through, cut off.


3 call back, move in.


4 ring up, find out.






A Vb + prep. + NP. B Vb+NP+ prep. C Vb pron. + prep. D Vb + prep. + pron. E Intrans.








